For Authors

For Authors
The George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland (Photo Credit: Matthew PetroffCC BY-SA 3.0)

Unsolicited submissions of content are welcomed. To submit content for consideration, request a Contributor account or submit content by email.

By submitting content to us for publication, you warrant that you created the work; that you are the owner of copyright of the work; that you are the sole author(s) of the work; and that you have the necessary permissions from the owner(s) of any copyrighted material which may be included as part of your work. You further agree that any work submitted complies with our Terms of Use; in particular, any work must not violate our Content Restrictions.

Unless an explicit agreement is made to the contrary, the original copyright owners retain all rights to their submitted works and grant to The Kermudgeon and Kermodexed, LLC only the rights necessary to publish their work, with credit for authorship given as appropriate.

We have no prohibitions on previously published and/or cross-posted material.

The Kermudgeon reserves the right not to publish content for any reason.

Content Types

For written material, preference is given to closely edited, unique works of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction essays on topics of interest to the editors and readers of The Kermudgeon.

We are especially interested in reminiscences and memoirs; articles relating to technical, financial, or legal issues; or pieces on any subject matter in which you have expert or unique knowledge.

We have no particular preference as to length, as you can see from our rants, kōans, and musings.

Most content of an overtly political, religious, or activist nature is likely to be rejected, unless it is judged by the editors to be particularly novel, thoughtful, and/or pertinent to the readership of the site. Examples of content likely to be rejected include non-Kermudgeonly rants, diatribes, harangues, tirades, lectures, fulminations, homilies, etc., whether in favour of or against a specific political party, candidate, special interest group, or ideology. This editorial decision is based mostly on the grounds that such content is generally ignorant and/or boring to our readership and does little to uplift the conversation. Nevertheless, feel free to submit any content for consideration.

Original music (including scores and/or recordings), photographs, drawings, paintings, videos, etc., are also welcomed. These may require special handling due to technical constraints.

Artwork, Metadata, and Access

Each work must include exactly one feature image, in WebP format. As the sole exception to this, any image format provided by the Unsplash integration button may be used. Artwork must be in compliance with our Copyright Policy. In general, this means the image(s) used must be your original work; used with express permission of the copyright owner; or in the public domain or otherwise free of encumbrances, e.g., licensed under a non-commercial Creative Commons, MIT, or similar license. All artwork should be properly described and attributed in both the Caption and Alt fields. For example: A tree frog (Photo credit: Ron CogswellCC BY 2.0). The default Unsplash attribution format is acceptable for any works which are not Featured.

The Tags field must be populated with at least one tag. For Featured works, the Excerpt field must be populated with an appropriate excerpt, headline, or other appropriate text. The contents of this field are used as a subhead. For all other works, the Excerpt field is strongly encouraged, but not required. If no excerpt will be provided, this field should be populated with a single space.

Posts can be published to be accessible to the public, to members only, or to paid members only. When submitting content, please indicate your preference.

If you are contributing work to which you own the copyright and which was created and/or published from 1927 to 1977, inclusive, please contact us so we can assess whether the material has entered the public domain and update the dates in the copyright footer notice accordingly.


As a contributing author, you may choose to be credited with your real name, nickname, pseudonym, or as Anonymous. By default, each post identifies the title, tag, date of publication, display name, and avatar of the credited author. For special situations, such as anonymous works or those with multiple authors, please contact us.


There is no remuneration offered for published content at this time.

Style and Voice

While individual authors are free to style their work as desired within the constraints of the publishing tools provided, The Kermudgeon may apply specific typography and other styling to all posts. We are happy to suggest edits to your work but will otherwise publish your work intact, if accepted.

Given that the site features the works of various authors, we do not enforce any particular house style. Unique voices—in the literary/artistic sense of that word—are encouraged.


It may be possible for you to submit comments on selected content. You must be a paid member of the site to submit a comment. As with other content, The Kermudgeon reserves the right not to publish comments for any reason. See our Comments Policy for more details.

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