Out of Retirement

Into my own

Out of Retirement
End of Quarantine (Gennaro, 2021)

Press Release

Gennaro Electrifies Art World


Renowned artist Gennaro has electrified the art world with a stunning new body of work. Long thought to have been in retirement, Gennaro has emerged from seclusion with creations that have rocked traditional boundaries of art.

Gennaro’s previous artistic style has been described as “intense, searing, and passionate stream of consciousness with a hint of post-modernist, post-expressionist, post-renaissance, post-realist, and post-cubist flairs.”*

His stunning new work ventures into depths that usher in a completely new school of art—the post-white patriarchy.

Originally from New York City, Gennaro began exhibiting His artwork in New York’s bohemian Greenwich Village in the late 1960s. Today, He is somewhat reclusive and shuns the high-profile art circuit—although He did a recent joint show in New York City with Hunter Biden.

He has been described as “enigmatic” and “elusive,” and is believed to be living in exile in Canada as well as in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Some fans and art critics have also claimed to have seen Him on the island of Atlantis, where it is believed He practices much of His contemplating, painting, and other artistic endeavors.

*Bonaparte J. Hornblower, editor, New York Journal of Art Critics.

Art 2021
Art 2021
End of Quarantine
End of Quarantine
Gulag I
Gulag I
Gulag II
Gulag II
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