My Flash in a Flophouse

My lodging misadventures

My Flash in a Flophouse
A rooming house, 1939 (Photo credit: Marion Post Wolcott • public domain)

Flitting The Flophouse

Some decades ago, I lived in a flophouse. More accurately, I lived in two flophouses; precisely, it was one flophouse and one rooming house0.

During the spring of my sophomore year at university, I had borrowed a book from the library called Jobs in Paradise.1 From this book, I learned about a place called the Kettle Falls Hotel, located in the remote border region of Minnesota, in Voyageurs National Park.2

Being somewhat impetuous in my youth, I decided it sounded like a good idea to work at this hotel. I applied for the job, received and accepted an offer, and moved to the hotel for the summer.

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